Speaking Engagements:  Dr. Bikman receives honorariums for speaking at clinical and professional organizations’ events about his research and about the components of improving metabolic health.

Advisory Roles:  Dr. Bikman and the Bikman Diabetes Research Lab at Brigham Young University serve as science advisors to both Unicity International and RxSugar. Dr. Bikman does not receive any financial remuneration on any form of direct product sales through Unicity International, RxSugar, or any other product provider.

Investments:  Dr. Bikman is a common investor in RxSugar. Any financial remuneration is independent of his role as a science advisor and in accordance with any other common investor’s interests.

Community Support and Affiliates:  Insulin IQ’s operations are funded and made possible by our community members and certified coaches, not through advertising. We provide discounts on products and services that we trust, recommend, and/or use ourselves. With one exception, we do not earn profits from these recommendations; instead, we negotiate discounts for our members. The exception is our affiliate relationship with Unicity International—although Dr. Bikman is not a participant because of his role as a science advisor to Unicity. If and/or when an Insulin IQ certified coach feels like it may help a coached community member, that coach may recommend Unicity’s science-backed Feel Great System products because of their proven effectiveness in helping improve metabolic health. Our independent certified coaches who choose to participate may also utilize their own personal affiliate partnerships with Unicity to help support their independent coaching businesses.

If you have any questions, please email us at:  [email protected]